“Tomorrow is never promised, love whoever, live your truth," an open letter by Gaby Galvez

I’ve come a long way, and I can finally say that I love me and accept myself for the person I am meant to be. Growing up in a Latino household my siblings and I were raised catholic and were told to follow the rules of the church. My parents were strict and had very closed minded views about anything that didn’t go with the churches views. That unfortunately meant for me, hiding who I really was growing up. When I was a kid I always knew I was a little different, I was a tomboy and still am. I never really fit in school although I did try my best to. I never really understood why I was different, I went to therapy every week to try to understand my feelings, plus dealing with anxiety and depression only made things worse. I thought I only liked boys, that is until I left my hometown at 18 and moved to LA.

When I first arrived in LA I didn’t know anybody. Not gonna lie I was scared shitless but also determined to follow my path and discover who I was meant to be. I went to school for music and worked part time. I was meeting new people, going out, writing, exploring the city and for the first time felt alive. With every new encounter my mind expanded and I was able to see and understand other people's point of views. The way they are confident in themselves and know who they are. (Side note most of the friends I made were older than me and took me under their wings because I was “a baby” to them.) I started dating and seeing people, and when I was 21 BAM I felt like I got hit by a bus. Literally like in Mean Girls. I fell deeply in love with this girl, I was conflicted but also curious about what I was feeling. I knew that if I was going to find myself, then I was going to have to see where this goes. So I went for it and I don’t regret a thing. The more I stopped suppressing my feelings and just let myself feel, the more authentic my songwriting and music got. Sadly I had to move to Norway and things didn't last but I’m sure I’ll see her again.

I know I'm only 22, but I feel like I've lived a lifetime already. My friends even call me grandma. If there's something I would say, some advice to you is that nothing is guaranteed in life. Especially this year in 2020 with this pandemic going on, you never know if there will be a tomorrow for you. Live your authentic life, be present and spend time with your loved ones. Be honest with yourself and love who you are because God makes no mistakes. You are perfect. Don’t forget to live, to laugh, and most importantly to love. Whomever.



Gaby’s coming out story

Listen to Gaby’s latest single “Leavin’” here




