Derek Simpson

There’s not much to say here besides the fact that Derek Simpson is a genius and he’s probably one of the most authentic artists I’ve ever featured on my blog. His style is super unique, he’s not afraid to take risks in his art and he’s overall one hell of a talented guy. He just dropped his second album Signs, and as always, Simpson did an incredible work. The self-written project was co-produced with The White Electric and entirely mixed by Simpson himself. Fusing elements of hypnotizing dub revival, alternative R&B, and laid-back disco cast upon messages of human connection, gender identity, and the supernatural, Derek Simpson delivered something genuine and inspiring.

Signs is now available worldwide :)

Hi Derek, you've just released your second album Signs, how does it feel like to release this new project? 

Hi :) i’m excited! The album sounds great, i’m really happy with the work that was accomplished.

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this album? When did you start working on it? 

The process was kind of a blur, I started work on Signs around the beginning of 2020.

What different topics are you talking about on this album? 

Spilled milk, red wine, + the Dalai Lama.

What was the hardest part about making this album? And what was the best part? 

The hardest part was keeping a healthy level of vibe-maintenance during a global pandemic. The best part is that we get to live in a world with these songs now.

What's your favorite thing about this project? 

It’s subtle + groovy. 

What can you tell us about the artwork? 

Alexandra Rose Simpson did the artwork. She’s a fantastic illustrator/designer + she’s also my sister.

What made you want to name your album Signs

A little bit of mystery isn’t so bad…

What's your goal for this project?

Keepin’ it groovy.

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be?

The industry itself is changing. What I can do right now is speak with other artists about how we can go about making these changes work to the artist’s advantage.

What lessons have you learned since the beginning of your career?

Follow a playful impulse. Invite others in. Listen to James Blake.

What message do you want to deliver to the world?

Listen + find out <3

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